If you are suffering from Testosterone Deficiency or think you are based on the symptoms you are experiencing, you are not alone. Testosterone Deficiency (TD) affects about 30 percent of …
What happens to my T-Levels as I age?
Natural Testosterone Levels decline with Age, requiring Male Hormone Replacement. Testosterone levels are at their highest during adolescence and well into the twenties. As you age, however, your natural testosterone levels …
Is There a Simple Blood Test for Low T?
Hypogonadism or Low Testosterone is a condition that affects the aging male population. It is a medical term that describes the decreased function of the male testicular glands, causing little or no production …
Testosterone Therapy Cost
What is the Price for Testosterone? One factor to be considered in the decision into which of the various testosterone medications and preparations are right for you is cost. Be …
Prescription Low T Therapy vs. Natural Remedies
Traditional Low Testosterone Therapy vs. Natural Testosterone Therapy The recent commercials for “Low T” products on TV and online demonstrate a new awareness of the impact Testosterone Deficiency can have …
What are the Types and Ranges of Testosterone in the Body?
Testosterone exists in your body in 3 forms – SHBG bound testosterone, Albumin bound, and Free testosterone. The majority of bound testosterone in the body is chemically bound to a …
Types of Testosterone Therapy
What Types of Testosterone Therapy Can I Use? Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help with Hormone Deficiency Symptoms Androgens like Testosterone are male hormones that are linked to many biological processes, …
How do I Get Personalized Testosterone Treatment
Low Testosterone? Get Personalized Treatment for Your Condition Testosterone levels naturally decline in men as they age over time and symptoms may appear gradually. Take a low T blood test to …
What are the Leading Causes of Low Testosterone?
Testosterone Boosts Sex Drive, Builds Muscle, Reduces Body Fat, Increases Energy & Motivation, Can Help you Lose Weight, Feel More Youthful, and Live Life with Enthusiasm Testosterone is the major …
Simple Test For Low T
Is There a Simple Blood Test for Low T? Hypogonadism or Low Testosterone is a condition that affects the aging male population. It is a medical term that describes the decreased function of …