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In HGH by Optimal Health MD

HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE: What You Need to know about HGH and Hormone Replacement Therapy

By turning back your body’s biological clock, human growth hormone boosts energy levels, builds muscle, burns fat and increases sex drive. During childhood, you could build muscle fast, burn more calories and body fat, and had a healthy libido with lots of energy. These energetic levels were mostly due to HGH. In middle age, because of your declining HGH, your body’s ability to repair and replenish itself and to bounce back from physical activity, illness and stress are compromised. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and are concerned about your HGH levels, an HGH Lab Test can help you and your doctor assess whether you need HGH treatment with prescription growth hormone, or if an HGH releaser such as Sermorelin, will be enough to increase your own natural levels of HGH.

HGH Injections – Information and Dosages 

rDNA somatropin, the injectable form of HGH, is the only authentic treatment for growth hormone deficiency. HGH pills and supplements, although available, don’t have the same results as compared to real prescription Human Growth Hormone. Before and after studies show that patients taking genuine shots as opposed to pills have a much more dramatic effect. Most HGH pill products you can buy online have no real HGH in them. If you are hormone deficient and need HRT, you need to get a prescription for real somatropin HGH medication and need to buy HGH Injections.

HGH/Growth Hormone Treatment Benefits

• Increase energy and stamina

• Reduce weight; burn body fat

• Enhance cardiovascular health 

• Increase sexual desire 

• Increase sexual frequency 

• Increase lean muscle mass

• Reduce stress and anxiety

• Enhance your immune system

• Strengthen bone and density

• Lower your blood pressure

• Smooth wrinkles and cellulite

• Improve your memory and mood

• Improve metabolism & burn fat 

• Improve Cholesterol HDL/LDL

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Treatment can improve your health and well-being. Adult men and women with a hormonal imbalance or deficiency can benefit from HGH Therapy. You can order HGH Injections and get Growth Hormone Prescriptions by speaking with our specialists and anti-aging Doctors at Optimal health MD. 

OmniTrope® from Sandoz

Omnitrope HGH and Omnitropens from Sandoz are used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

OmniTrope injections result in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. 

Genotropin® from Pfizer

Genotropin HGH and MiniQuick® Pens are used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

Genotropin injections result in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. 

Norditropin® Novo Nordisk

Norditropin HGH, FlexPro®, NordiFlex® pens are used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

Norditropin results in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. Humatropin® from Eli Lilly

Humatrope HGH and Humatropens are used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

Humatrope results in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. 

Nutropin® from Genetech

Nutropin HGH and the Nuspin AQ® is used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

Nutropin results in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. 

Saizen® from Serono

Saizen HGH from Merck EMD Serono is used for replacement of human growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency (AGHD).

Saizen HGH results in decreased fat mass, increased muscle mass, positive changes in lipid metabolism, and normal IGF-I concentrations. 

At Optimal health MD, our anti-aging Doctors can prescribe all types of HGH for adults over 30 who have a hormonal imbalance or deficiency, as corroborated by a physical exam and detailed blood tests. Call us for more information on how to start your HGH program if you feel run down and tired and think you may have a hormonal deficiency or imbalance.