Does testosterone therapy really work?

Does Testosterone Therapy Really Work?

In Testosterone by Optimal Health MD

Testosterone therapy, otherwise known as androgen replacement therapy, is a form of treatment that is given to people with low testosterone levels to help bring their levels to an acceptable range. Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT can also be used to effectively enhance sexual performance, increase energy levels, and to increase muscle mass. It has helped countless men over the years.

About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There are misconceptions surrounding Testosterone Replacement treatment  and some people may still question its efficacy. Medical innovations like these are developed through research and can only be used after there is an evidence-based practice that proves its efficiency.

The outcome of testosterone therapy may differ among individuals based on the factors affecting its mode of administration. The few adverse outcomes do not render this mode of treatment ineffective.

The internet is littered with information misleading people into believing clinically unfounded observations. Visiting a doctor ensures you get accurate medical advice. In fact, TRT is illegal in most countries if you don’t have a prescription.

It is normal for people to visit a doctor with certain expectations such as losing weight, increasing athleticism, or improving sexual performance. When such hope is not fulfilled, they tend to develop the notion that the treatment does not work. This is especially the case when people seek treatment for non-medical reasons such as bodybuilding or to increase sexual performance. 

Testosterone replacement therapy is intended for hypogonadism. The other non-medical benefits are just a bonus and there could be some risks involved. For example, undergoing Testosterone Replacement Therapy when your testosterone levels are normal could cause infertility. In this scenario, TRT reduces your sperm count and renders you infertile. Read on to find out how TRT works.

How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Works

TRT is administered in several forms such as testosterone transdermal patch, oral tablets, sublingual patches, injections, or topical creams. These forms of administration can only be used one at a time and they need to be prescribed to you by a doctor depending on special blood test results, medical needs and lifestyle. 

The dosages of testosterone are usually prescribed after a specialized doctor has diagnosed you with low testosterone levels or hypogonadism. The therapy works to ensure that testosterone levels are boosted to reduce the symptoms of hypogonadism, such as low sex drive and infertility, among others.

Testosterone is produced in the testicles. Some factors might cause declined hormone levels. Generally speaking, the male sex hormone is vital in contributing toward increased sex drive, muscle strength, and bone maintenance in women. It’s an essential part of our body’s physical make up- thus the need for supplementation. 

Also, it’s for this reason that testosterone replacement therapy is essential. Once you begin the treatment, the results can be seen as early as three weeks to about six months.

How Do You Know TRT is Working?

It is normal for you to be inquisitive about your health. You may need to ask your doctor about the indications of TRT efficiency. This way, you’ll be able to understand if they are aligned with your desires. So, how will you know if this treatment is working? Here are a few signs. The earliest changes you will notice when on TRT are improved sleep quality and better libido.

Research reveals that men with low testosterone levels cannot relax and sleep well, and they have a low sex drive. Having an improved sex drive and sound sleep goes a long way in improving their overall mood, and therefore, you will notice that you are more motivated by the day. 

The other change you will notice is improved lean body mass and increased bone density, which can be detected by measuring your weight. One thing you should know about TRT is that the full benefits take time to be achieved and it requires patience. The process is gradual and needs your attention and care during the treatment period. In other words, you should not expect an overnight transformation.

It is understandable that frustrations may kick in when you do not see the changes you anticipate quickly. But this should not discourage you. Instead, you should learn to trust the process that your body is undergoing and be confident that the treatment is going to work. On the contrary, allowing delayed results to demoralize you can lead you to quit and falsely condemn the therapy for not working. You must observe the whole process closely to identify where you’re missing it and improve accordingly. 

Is it Essential to Monitor Your Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

When a doctor puts you on testosterone therapy there are specific instructions that should be followed. These instructions include how to monitor testosterone therapy to ensure optimal dosage and desirable effects.

Monitoring testosterone therapy depends on the form of treatment that was prescribed. Injectable testosterone has a tendency of increasing levels too much after injection and then decreasing below optimal before the next dose is due. 

Monitoring testosterone levels will require you to have testosterone lab tests frequently to ensure optimal dosing is achieved. With injectable testosterone, the standards need to be measured before and after the injection to ensure that the highs and lows are regulated. Monitoring testosterone therapy is essential because it helps to take note of the side effects and the effectiveness of the treatment

Transdermal preparations of testosterone therapy keep hormone levels stable with fewer peaks of highs and lows. However, there are adverse effects associated with transdermal patches of testosterone, especially skin reactions. The only disadvantage with transdermal patches is the relatively high cost.